Dear experts,
We’re upgrading from 4.6c to ECC6.0 EHP 7 . with tpm_migraion conversion type 3 and no security product
With a situation that , transaction on 4.6 were created based on a non-standard flow type , transaction type and product type.
when i start a master/flow data conversion from step b 31 , every steps are executed completely but when i run step b40 I found a negative balance exists error as picture err2 as attached below
I found out that transaction was created wrongly and it caused a negative balance. I tried to edit the amount in the flow type via FTR_EDIT to make a balance become more than or equal zero. But no luck. Sap return a message like picture ERR1 as attached. which is “no position exists for the selected criteria”
Anyway I can do to remove this error ? please note that I can’t go on next step since it’s required to complete this step first.
Please kindly share