I am having the same problem, Can you give me the stemps for BCM config please. I did as below. Thank you
ram sha
BCM config I did as belwo For
the purpose of batch creation, i configured in T Code OBPM5, T* payment runs, with the run ID (in F110)
beginning with the identifiers
Activated BCM by going to Tcode SFW5
BCM -Basic Settings-Basic
Settings for Approval maintained the “Rule Currency”, “Days resubmission” (Rule Currency- EUR, and days of resubmission 1)
In Payment grouping I have created two rule set with prioty 0and 1.
Set the amount limites as 0to 1000000 and 1000001 and and above
Map external to Internal mapped all the rejection code of Pain.002 file to BRE Rejected by the bank
In Bank Statement Monitor, I configured as
CO,house bank,account ID,selected the process status,Deffence,serial no and Reconcil status, interval 1,interval unit is calander days, log calander as EU and item 1.
I am unable to create medium file through batch or as normal and status is red in bank moniter
Irun F110 and payment run and entries process without error, and please see the below error in screen shot. We seen two entries are creating for in REGUHM. We we try to process the PAIN.002 files, I am getting error as LAUFI_M as Payment run identification and field is populated with 00001B.
If possible can any one assist me if i am doing wrong and also guide me to create payment medium and process incoming pain.002 file please. Thank you