Hi Godhelp,
I am not clear about your question "clearing IHC BCA clearing account", however, let us work out what is not clear in your understanding in IHC.
The movement of current accounts are reflected to Finance Accounting only by GL transfer, which recommended to be run daily Within IHC current accounts managment, IHC Subsidiary current accounts represent how much subsidiary owns to IHC as a result of central payment/Internal payment/payment on behalf etc, BCA clearing account should counterparty the IHC subsidiary balance in currency. .
You need to implement different Products, hence different GL groups to IHC subsidiary accounts and IHC BCA clearing accounts respectively, hence ensureing you confiigure the same (range of) account as Payment request clearing accuont to GL group for the IHC BCA clearing accounts, which then cancels out each other.
Hope that this helps.