Hi Marie, we implemented note 1024279 by now and it seems to work nicely. However implementing it via snote, we got the return: Note is not compatible. In fact we had to perform some amendments when inserting the note manually as there are:
1. For method GET_PROFIT_OF_TRANS, we have made the parameter IM_FLG_CLOSE as optional parameter,
2. In method GET_PROFIT_OF_TRANS, we are calling a method COMPUTE_VALUES_BY_TRANSACTION and are expecting a return parameter (RE_VALUES).
This method doesn't have a return parameter and it has been changed to exporting parameter
We are on SPP EA-FINSERV 606 0008 SAPK-60608INEAFINSRV. Perhaps we didn't get the right version for the note. If not, perhaps SAP should update the note. Best regards and many thanks for your instructions! Sebastian