Dear Guys,
We have pasive loans with account receivable, now we recently activate the parallel valuation area for loans. When we post the disbursement the log in CML do not show any error message, but in the parallel area (TRM) show the following message:
No account is specified in item 0000000002
Message no. F5670
No account was specified for account type "D" in item "0000000002" of the FI/CO document.
System Response
The Financial Accounting program cannot process the document.
A system error has probably occurred in the application you called up. Check the data transferred to item "0000000002" of the FI/CO document.
We post the following position with the configuration in CML
Flow Type Amount Posting Key Account Posting Key Account
1001 P_Disbursement 850,000,000 USD 40 G/L Account 15 +
I hope you can help me please.
Thanks a lot.
Ivan Menacho