Assuming that you have activated to link between the Accounts Receivable subledger and the liquidity forecast function, is there some (standard) functionality in SAP allowing to do a change of the planning date on list of selected invoices?
Scenario 1.
We would like to be able to "remove" some of these invoices from the liquidity forecast view altogether (because they have become overdue at the start date of the liquidity forecast report and we don't want to have them in the liquidity calculation anymore).
We thought of "simply" shifting their planning date to some date in the far future.
Scenario 2.
Also, it could happen that new information ( like a (future) payment advise from a customer ) would require that the existing planning date (calculated by SAP) needs to be changed. How could this be achieved in a simple and efficient manner (via FB02 only ?) again without to much interfering with Accounts Receivables department ?
Thank you for your suggestions.