Currently, only BAI and BAI2 file formats are supported by SAP. It includes
the following:
BAI Record Format: Specify the length of the document numbers (10 in
the standard SAP System) and the number of document numbers in record types 6
and 4 of the BAI file. Your bank must agree on this format information.
BAI2 Record Format: It is not necessary to specify the length of the
document or the number of document numbers in record types 6 and 4. This is
because BAI2 file is designed that each document number is on a different record
type 4 with its corresponding payment and deduction amounts. Your bank must
agree on this format information.
- NOTE: while the BAI and BAI2 formats are supposedly standard, experience
- has shown that they can vary by bank and many SAP clients have contracted for a
- customized format. The format received will need to be mapped to reconcile with
- the SAP delivered data dictionary layout (Tables FLB01, FLB05, FLB06, etc.) to
- ensure proper processing. If the format does not reconcile and the user does
- not want to have the bank change the format, SAP recommends that a user-written
- ABAP be used to reformat the file or alternatively the SAP data dictionary can
- be modified (this is a repair that will need to be re-applied in future
- releases).
Batch Input Sessions [Posting Functions]: Specify which postings the
system creates (general ledger cash postings and/or customer cash
application). It is recommended that both choices are selected if you are using
the general ledger and accounts receivable modules. For the general ledger you
can decide whether to post one aggregate amount to the incoming cash account or
one line per check. This depends on your reconciliation with the bank. In
addition, you can choose to create and name a batch input session to insert any
missing or new customer bank details into the customer master records (this can
only be done if the system identifies a valid document number).
- Important Note: The lockbox program first attempts to identify the customer
- with unique bank information in the customer master record matching to MICR
- information on the check, so maintenance of unique customer MICR information is
- important to ensure success. If there is more that one customer with the same
- MICR bank and account, then the program cannot apply the check to an
- account. This situation usually means that either the same customer has been
- set up twice, or maybe what should have been only Ship-to or Sold-to customers
- for the same Payer have actually been set up as separate Payers. Alternatively,
- it may be necessary to set up a relationship where one customer is identified as
- the main Payer and has MICR info, and the related customers do not have MICR
- info but instead have the main Payers customer number in the Alternate Payer
- field of the customer master record.
The payment information provided in the bank data file will create a payment
advice per check. This payment advice will be used by the lockbox procedure to
clear subledger open items. For more information on payment advices, please
read accounts receivable/accounts payable Payment Advice Notes in the IMG or
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