Hi Renatas:
Thanks for the quick answer. I was working through the issue.
PMP has the Amortization procedure assigned. In fact it is the step that generates the DBT_C002 or DBT_C004 on each "retap"
I went through every Amortization procedure assigning each one at a time to my PMP procedure. After that I run FWUP and saw every new cash flow via TPM13. The amount varied or new update types had appeared but I always got a DBT_C002 or DBT_C004 every time there is an issue placement (retap).
The Update Types for Derived Business Transactions not yet assigned appeared every time I run the FWUP, so I set them up, but it was not the reason of my issue.
I tried through “set the Effects of the Update Types on the Position Component”. As TType 300 Issue Placement has SE1200 and it goes to 1010 “Post Negative Purchase Value” I have created new 301 TType for “retaps” with SE1201 and assign 1000 “No Position Change” but it did not work either.
As said Client does not want to post the DBT_C002 Positive Amortization (for inflows) or negative ones, just want to calculate and post them under the amortization step at the valuation key dates (end of month) V301 or at redemption date.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.