>> Does it mean CM means cash flow related?
A.: indeed, it means if a selected flow is to be transferred to Cash Management (known as the transaction FF7A) or not.
every Flow type is defined (see IMG -> ... TRM-> Transaction Manager -> MM/ FX/ Securities/ etc. -> Transaction Management -> Flow Types -> Define Flow Types) if it is relevant:
- to Cash management;
- to Posting;
- to Position;
- to P/L;
- to Valuation;
- for Accrual/ Deferral.
this definition depends on the nature of a chosen flow - see the description on Flow type in Transaction Manager Terminology - General Information about the Transaction Manager - SAP Library
>> but Y017 is not CM relevant, why it appear in "CF flow type" tab?
A.: I believe you mean the tab 'Cash Flow'. Certain flow types could be not relevant to Posting and Payment at all, though still visible in the tab 'Cash Flow', as their are part of deal structure, e.g. Nominal Amount Increase in case of Interest rate Swap - this is purely Notional amount, though it is used represent in the tab 'Cash Flow', as this is the base for calculation of interests.
>> in SPRO, I have assigned Y003, Y005, Y006, Y011, Y017, Y010 to product type 910 and transaction type buy, why some is not listed in FTR_EDIT?
A.: some of Flow types might be optional, e.g. the ones with Flow Category - '90 - Other Flow/ condition'. In this case you should capture these in the tab 'Other flows'.
General remark: I would assume, you are using instruments, provided by RDS initiative - please check provided documentation for the setup and meaning of these flows.
Kind regards,