please check SAP Note 704015
there some details about prefix ZR in number ranges:
In Customizing, you assigned the interpretation algorithm 029 to the external
transaction code. This transaction code searches via the payment order number
(Table PYORDH). In order to find the payment order in the system, in program
RFEBKA00, the selection field 'Number interval XBLNR' is used. You have to
prefix 'ZR' to the number interval of the payment orders. This is necessary to
avoid confusions with the number interval of reference and payment
Number range payment orders (FBN2): 01 1000000000 1999999999
In the note to payee of the account statement, there is, for example: 1000000099.
RFEBKA00: 'Number interval XBLNR': 1000000000 to 1999999999 => does not find the payment order 1000000099.
'Number interval XBLNR': ZR1000000000 to ZR1999999999 => finds the payment
order 1000000099.