>> we can define those flow type in Money market, why we need condition type, what's the benefit compared with flow type?
[A.]: condition types are simply a part of Customising for money market instruments - if they are not there, you will get an error at the moment of creating of a deal - as simple as that. So, e.g. if
>> I have configured a lot condition type for that product type/tran type in SPRO, why some are not appeared in the deal? I think we didn't manually select those two condition type.
[A.]: you won't see any of these condition types in regular reports, like TPM20 or TPM13 - they are required as part of setup as mentioned above for certain conditions, like final repayment, installments, nominal interest, interest capitalization, interest rate adjustment, etc. you might say these condition types are kind of 'internal/ system' parameters, required setup-wise, though not really visible for a User.
hope this makes it clear.
Kind regards,