I am trying to edit cash flows in FD
(since the actual amount as per bank statement is rounded off and thus I have to adjust Interest,Final Repayment Amount and Withholding tax.)
I am able to edit and two of the three flows but getting error when I am trying to edit and save 3rd flow.
Scenario 1:
Edit Interest and Edit WHT=> Save | Error when I edit and try to save Final Repay amount.
Scenario 2:
Edit Interest and Edit repayment=> save | Error when I edit and try to save WHT)
Scenario 3:
Edirt WHT and Edit Repayment ==> Save | Error when I edit and try to save Interest
Folowing are the errors thrown:
(Error 1)
Recording position management: Error during distribution IN03 500006
Message no. FTR_TRD012
Processing cannot be carried out successfully since an error occurred when updating position management. The cause of this message is explained in another error message.
(Error 2)
Short position in accounting code IN03, val. area 001, ID No. , date 04.01.2013 ==> FD maturity Date
Message no. TPM_TRL062
A position in accounting code IN03, valuation area 001, is short on 04.01.2013.
Also, when I look into TPM12, I see that Nominal amount and amount in Position currency is different (difference equal to WHT amount)
Nominal amount : Interest only | Amount in Position Currency : Interest + WHT
Kindly help.....