Hi Taro,
I have gone through all the discussion between you and Kumar. It is really help full. I am also having similar doubts in my mind, some of them have been already answered through your replies to Kumar.
I am still have two questions in my mind.
1. In case of External Payment Scenario, when IHC0 is done, CA of Subsidiary gets a Debit and Clearing Partner (CA of IHC FI) gets a debit. Now when we to F9N7, do we need send statements to both subsidiary and IHC FI or is it only to subsidiary. In SAP building blocks, there is no mentioning about the the statement to IHC FI.
If the answer to the above question is No, then, in case of Central Incoming payments scenario, when the statement is uploaded in IHC FI which in turn creates a PO in IHC, When posted the PO through IHC0, it generates a Credit to Subsidiary and Debit to Clearing Partner CA ( IHC FI).In this case, as per SAP building blocks, we will have to generate F9N7 bank statements for both Subsidiary and Clearing partner CA. Now the question is how to segregate the payment items created from external payments in the CA of clearing partner as they should not go in bank statement to IHC FI.May be, we will have to use a different CA for incoming clearing partner postings, Do you have any idea where do we set up this determination.
2. I am totally confused with the postings to GL's during GL transfer. I am not sure if we have to maintain both ' GL Assignment: Current Accounts' and 'Post Processing' or only one. Would it be possible for you to give some explanation on what would happen when a GL transfer is done taking one example of Internal payments and external payments separately.
- Define GL Account Assignment: Current Accounts
- Define GL Account Assignment/Items in Postprocessing
- Define GL Account Assignment/Interest Accrual/Deferral