When you create a deal - position management prodcedure is set from assignement of PMP to prod. type and val. area. User can change it right from you deal: Envinroment -> Position indicator. Or tr. TPM57A. Or user-exit, for example. If you don't have assignement of PMP to prod.type and val. area - field PMP will be empty and you have to set it as i suggested you above.
Foreign currency valuation doesn't depend on you currency - it depends only on Position management procedure. But nevertheless your result during valuation will be zero in this case.
You have or you don't have amortization - depends on your assined Position management procedure and only because of that! If you don't want to have amortization - change PMP as i suggested you earlier.
Also you have or you don't have amortization depends on your accounting - ask your Accountants.