Hello, Marta
TPM1 -is valuation transaction for moth-end activity. In most accounting modules you have month-end activity (FI, CO)
You can do the following valuations with TPM1:
IMG -> Financial Supply Chain Management -> Treasury and Risk Management -> Transaction Manager -> General Settings -> Accounting -> Settings for Position Management -> Key Date Valuation -> ...
If we do month-end activity it means that we are prepairing External reports like Balance Sheet Statement (BSS), Profit and Loss Statement (PLS), etc.
These reports are made with GL accounts. And Treasury and General leger module are linked through account symbols:
IMG -> Financial Supply Chain Management -> Treasury and Risk Management -> Transaction Manager -> General Settings -> Accounting -> Link to Other Accounting Components -> Define Account Determination
The currency for these reports are taken from here - Valuation currency.
IMG -> Financial Supply Chain Management -> Treasury and Risk Management -> Transaction Manager -> General Settings -> Accounting -> Organization -> Assign Accounting Codes and Valuation Areas
And all valuation activity is performed with this currency - valuaton currency.
For example you have a loan in USD. We can't show loan position in USD in BSS or PLS because this reports witll be read by local authorities.And that's why we have to do Valuation at month end - to show all transaction positions in one currency - valuation currency.
So the only reason to perform valuation - for reporting.
i hope you understand what i wrote. If not - ask questions.