2.Is possible to used a partial disbursement? For example,
I get a loan for 3,000.00, at the beginning the first day I disbursement only 1,000.00 and 2 months later I disbursement 2,000.00. Then the loan calculate at the begining interest in base of the 1,000.00 and 2 months later calculate interest in base of 3,000.00.
1. You can use product type 56A as credit line and product type 55A as disbursment. You can link two product types with "Facility" field on "Administration" tab. Negative side of this method: you have several transactions. Interests are calculated for each 55A prod. type.
2. You can use product type 55A alone and "Other changes in capital structure" button. You can take several amount of money at any time. Negative side of this method - you are not able to show these 3,000.00 on "Structure" tab. But you can use "User exit X" tab where you can create field for this purpose. Positive side - interests are calculated as you wanted in your post above!!!