Hi Experts, I need your help when posting the placement (FlType 0120 - SE1200: Issue Placement). I created a class of bond 04X. This is a 7 year bond with coupons every 6 months (SAM7000 and SAM7100) All the cash flows look ok. Created Deposit and assigned position. Created Issue Bond Transaction (04X - 300 (placement)). The cash flow 0120 - SE1200 appears. No accrued Interest needed. Then settle the transaction. And when going to post in TBB1 the following message appears:
Issue: Placement from 01.10.2014 was fixed
Message no. TPM_TRAC1208
I have already check in "Indicate Update Types as Relevant to Posting" for Update Type SE1200 Placement and the Update Type is Relevant for Posting.
Also checked notes 1310684 - Securities: TS01, FWUP Performance
1464894 - TPM1: Message TPM_CAL 004 Calculated nominal is inconsistent
but this are for CM future flows, or does also apply for the Placement flow?
Thanks in advance!
Any help greatly appreciated!
Best Regards