Product Type 04I
Transaction Type 200 Sale
the following error message is appeared.
Condition type 0263: No update type for outgoing payment
Message no. TRS0360
Check the Customizing settings in view TRSV_CONDITION.
when i configure this step Assign update types to condition types.
the following error was appeared.
When i assign SAM7000 - the following error message is appeared.
Update type SAM7000 has calculation type TZ instead of TTEN
Message no. TRS0354
The calculation type of update type SAM7000 must be identical with calculation type TTEN, which is defined at the condition item. However, update type SAM7000 has calculation type TZ.
System Response
The system rejects the entry.
Enter an update type, the calculation type of which matches the calculation type of the condition item.
Please guide me how to configure this?
with regards