There are 2 transactions:
- TBB1 - to post documents base on flows of transaction with all parameters: accounts, amounts, general/customer/vendor ledgers.
- TBB1_LC - to mark flows as they were posted. Not to post document base on flow, but to mark this flows as posted - there won't be any accounting documents!
This is the difference between these 2 transactions. The first transaction is used on dayly basis to post documents. The second - only if you transfer legacy data or you enter master data for your project. And nobody use the second transaction for posting flows - because there won't be any posting in general/cusomter/vendor ledgers.
In TBB1_LC, all entries are posted in all valuation areas.
But I need only operative valuation area.
How to transfer the balances to the operative valuation area balances.
TBB1_LC everytime you use it - marks flows in all valuations areas.
If you wan't to make posting to general ledger only in operative valuation area - use TBB1. But make sure that your system is configured for posting accounting documents.