This is regarding IHC Centralized Incoming Payment.
I have configured 3 path:
1. IHC Account Determination from Payment Notes
Bank Area Account Number Payment notes
IHC 300010 123456
2. Set Up Account Determination for Incoming Payment
Bank Area House Bank Account ID FI Account in IHC Header Acct for Central Incoming Payment
0001 CIT10 CIMYR 100010 100010
3. Define Transaction Types for Incoming Payment
Bank Area External TT Credit/Debit Transaction Type
IHC NMSC Credit Memo CP
While upload CIT10 bank statement with payment notes 123456, IHC payment order "CP" is created with Payer = 100010 and Receipient = 30010
I have 2 questions:
1) When we try to post the CP Payment order it failed with error "Generation of payment items - Offset Item - failed"
Below is the list of message with Green & Red status:
Green - Source transaction currency amount: 1000.00 MYR
Green - Account currency amount 1000.00 MYR to be posted for items - Payer
Green - Posting MYR made to original account OffsetAcct 300010
Red - Generation of payment items - Offset Item - failed
Red - Payment order IHC/0000000589/2015 was not posted
Green - Posting MYR made to original account Payer Account 100010
Green -*--- Final Posting: Internal payment order
Transaction type EXTRCP was transferred with posting attribute FINP
2) If we want to maintain a range of payment notes in "IHC Account Determination from Payment Notes",instead of maintaining one by one how should it be maintained in field "payment notes". Eg: from 000001 to 123456
Please share your experience.