Hello Ainura.
This path
IMG -> Financial Supply Chain Management -> Treasury and Risk Management -> Transaction Manager -> Money Market -> Transaction Management -> Flow Types -> Derived Flows -> Define Calculation Procedure for Derived Flows
is used when your reward percentage depends on your transfer amount. For example: if you transfer less then 10.000 USD then reward percentage has to be 1%, If you transfer less then 20.000 USD then reward percentage has to be 3%, etc.
if it's not the case then don't use this path.
if it is the case then in the next step below in field "Calculation by" you have to indicate "C Calculateion Procedure" and in field "Procedure" you have to indicate your Calculation procedure. Field "Percentage" have to be empty.
This path
IMG -> Financial Supply Chain Management -> Treasury and Risk Management -> Transaction Manager -> Money Market -> Transaction Management -> Flow Types -> Derived Flows -> Define Derivation Procedures and Rules
is used when you need to indicate basis flow and dependent flow
1105 flow (transfer) is basis for 1902 flow (reward). Flow 1902 will take 1% of flow 1105 amount. Pay attention to direction. It have to be similar to flows and directions in your transaction.
tr. TBI7
tr. TM_51
You have flow 1105 as basis with inflow direction.
As soon you have settings to generate outflow 1902 when you enter inflow flow 1105 then at "Cash flow" tab you'll have your reward.
I hope it helps.