Hi Diego,
Thanks for quick response. I hope below explanation may helpful to get exact picture of my issue. I implemented treasury forex spot transactions by using BP legal form, Product type and transaction type as base to determine account assignment reference in TPM32.
i.e. for example BP's legal form 01 (say resident) and product type FRX (forex transactions) and Transaction type 100 (Spot transactions) then aar is 01 FRX
that means in TPM32 i given source field as BP legal form, transaction type and product type and target field i populated AA_REF. Thus system is deriving 01 FRX. Now to this account assignment I assigned relevant position accounts (i.e.various corresponding accounts).
But my client expecting this account assignment should not depends on BP he is expecting account assignment it self needs to derive based on house bank and account id maintained in payment details tab of TX01. Since there is no standard fields in TPM32 to assign this requirement I am not clear how to handle this.