Hi experts;
I need to create a taken loan from bank for my client.
After search on the forum I found that it can be done through FN1V as mentioned below in the following thread:
Akhil Poddar Jul 12, 2012 6:56 AM
We are using SAP Loans Management Module -- General Loans to manage the loans given / taken. We are using the following product type :-
33A General loan given
33B General loan taken
In this Loans Management module, we are able to maintain all the details with respect to start term, end term, repayment details, nominal interest, correspondence details, interest calculation methods, etc..
Transaction code for creating General Loan -- Contract is FN1V
Warm regards,
Akhil Poddar
But when I tried to create it I found that there is no such product type 33B for the General Loan Taken.
So can someone kindly advice where (t-code) and how to do that to be able to create a General Loan Taken?
Also can someone please provide me with the main t-codes in sequence to create:
1. The taken loan from bank.
2. Start date and interest will be calculated.
3. Trace loan history (report) which installments have been settled and which are not yet with their due dates.
Also, is there a difference to operate the Loan Management from SAP Banking or the Treasury and Risk Management or no?
N.B.: please pardon me where I am new in such area and it is first time to recruit the Loan Management.
Thanks in advance;
Kind regards;
Ahmad Mahmud;