There is a possiblity to solve your problem by using new analysis characteristic.
1. Definition of new analysis characteristic - Maturity Gap (spro: Treasury and Risk Management -> Basic Analyzer Settngs -> Reporting Characteristics - > Define Analysis Characteristics) with values: 7d, 1y, 5y, 10y
2. Assing the new characteristic to active Analysis Structure
3. Add new derivation rule to derivation strategy for MM and bonds (spro: Treasury and Risk Management -> Credit Risk Analyzer -> Basic Settings -> Automatic Integration of Financial Objects in TM Data -> Money Market/Securities -> Derive Default Risk Control Parameters). We solved similar issue through step type = Enhancement. There you can define how to derive one of possible values (7d, 1y, 5y, 10y) based on end of term/maturity date.
4. Define new limit types with Maturity Gap as limit characteristic
5. If you need to have actual data every day, you have to execute transaction AFO_AP_POS1_MUPD for Class Positions in Securities Accounts and AFO_AP_LOAN_MUPD for MM transaction on a daily basis before you execute KLNACHT to update limit utilizations.