SAP Menu -> Accounting -> Financial Supply Chain Management -> Treasury and Risk Management -> Transaction Manager -> Debt Management -> Master Data -> Facility -> Process Line of Credit (tr. TCL1)
SAP Menu -> Accounting -> Financial Supply Chain Management -> Treasury and Risk Management -> Transaction Manager -> Debt Management -> Trading -> Create Financial Transaction (Facility) (tr. TM_61 or FTR_CREATE)
Only product type 56B Syndicated Facility can handle lines of credit.
Press "Other lines" and make the sctructure of you facility - 2 sublines.
On the "Profiles' tab you have to enter limit for sublines. You can also set 2 mln limit for Primary credit line, but it's up to you.
Limit for Tranche-A:
Limit for Tranche-B.
Save transaction and Settle it (tr. TM_64)
SAP Menu -> Accounting -> Financial Supply Chain Management -> Treasury and Risk Management -> Transaction Manager -> Money Market -> Trading -> Create Financial Transaction (Interest rate instrument) (tr. TM_51 or FTR_CREATE)
Now we need to create transaction which will withdraw your facility - for this purpose we usually use product type 55A "Interest rate instrument"
Enter your condition with the percentage you need. And a sum of withdrawal
Then you have to indicate which subline you will use with you interest rate instrument transaction.
Repeat the process for another transaction with other conditions.
Inside facility you can use Overview "1. List: Drawing objects" to see with transactions are assigned to facility.
These ar the basics to use facility with different sublines and limits.