I'm using the product type Z10
With product category 330 General loan
With the flow type: Z110 nominal interest
Flow category: TZ
Calc. type: TZ
FlowTypeGrp 04
Activity ID: 01
Activity Cat. 0015
Asset/Liab. 0
And condition Type: 9110 for nominal interest
with adjusment interes, condition type: 9309
Then in the condition group the conditio group the condition type have the folowing parameters:
However When I create a contract apears the sing "-" in working dates but in the customizing is "blanks"
4 months after
when I execute the transaction FNBR don't update de planned records.
Then If I change the condition type 9309 in the contract with out the "-" like this:
Then I execute the transaction FNBR and the program update the planned records.
I don't know If that the sign "-" is the problem??? why appears??? if in the customizing is in blank????
Somebody could help me.
Best reagards.
Adriana Rivera