Hi Nikhil,
I have afirst improvementof the initial situationof nominalpurchase. In the "TRLTS_PMCAT" I managed tomodify thetable"POS_COMP_RULE" field in order to changetherulechange in the position. ThisI managed toleave theNominalunchangedbutrunningthe correct calculationof the unpaid balanceoftheamortization scheduleofthe starting position.
In stepI'mgettingnowis correctvaluationbased on the initialnominalmultiplied byits market price. Fair market value(dirty price) that delivers aregulatory agencyofChile.This means thatSAPrequiresnot calculatethe pricebut ratherjustrun themultiplication of"PxQ" and getthe valueof the instrument ata certain date.
Best regards,