Hello All,
We are performing technical upgrade from EHP3 to EHP6 and currently testing in development system. I am having issues when trying to run F111. For every transaction I am getting errors as below:
" 070 No Valid house bank found".
The system that I am testing is refreshed from Production so has complete configuration and data. Also I created exact same transaction in our test system(which is also recently refreshed from Production) which does not have EHP6 upgraded yet. And for the same transaction /partner and product types combination it allows me to create proposal and payment run. If manually I try to assign housebank and account ID in the proposal by reallocating it gives me error that "No G/L account found for bank ID", while G/L account is assigned in the config.
Has anyone had any experience with this? Any SAP note or any configuration which is required for this?
Thanks in advance!