Hello Experts
We have two units who carry out the future transactions.
Unit A, handled by Mr. A and Unit B, handled by Mr. B
Units A and B are created as two portfolios in SAP
Mr. A and B are created as two traders in SAP
Mr. A carried out one purchase (flow type 1500) of 100 units of Future XYZ expiring in May. Value was Rs.100 each unit. He selected his portfolio (i.e. A) and his trader (i.e. B) in FTR_CREATE.
Mr. B carried out one purchase (flow type 1500) of 200 units of Future XYZ expiring in May (i.e. same as mentioned above). Value was Rs.110 each unit. Same way he selected his portfolio (i.e. B) and his trader (i.e. B) in FTR_CREATE.
Next day, when Mr.A tried to close (flow type 1510) his position of 100 units, he was able to see 300 units to square off - 100 units purchased by him and 200 units purchased by Mr.B. Future Account used was same since broker was one.
My requirement is that, while closing the position, he should be able to see his own open position only (created in his own portfolio or trader).
I tried configuring " Define and Assign Differentiations." I created one differentiation, assigned term as "PF - Portfolio" and then assigned that differentiation to valuation area and accounting code. But in-spite of this, restriction on portfolio level didn't happened, while closing the transaction.
Please help and let me know, how we can bring this restriction.