Hello Experts
I am trying to post incoming close margin through TCode TPM25. While doing so, system gives following error
There are non-posted open/close bus. transactions before the key date:
There are non-posted open/close bus. transactions before the key date
Message no. TRF0014
There are open/close business transactions with a position date before or on the key date that are not yet posted.
System Response
No margin flows can be posted.
First post all non-posted open/close business transactions.
My query is:
Since my open and close business transactions (posted through FTR_CREATE using flow type 1500 and 1510 respectively) are not relevant to posting, why system says. "First post all non-posted open/close business transactions."
I am not going to post these FI entries. So only, I have kept these flow type as "Not relevant to posting"
Please help me on this error.
Note: Even though these transactions are not relevant to FI Posting, I did settlement and TBB1.