Hello Experts
We have bought 100 units of call option with strike price of Rs.1000. Hence total it becomes to Rs.1,00,000 and I will get this Rs. 1,00,000 if I exercise this option to sell.
On strike date, actual price fall to Rs.950 per unit. Hence I exercise option to sell and I earn Rs.50 per unit on exercising this put option.
In SAP, i configured product type 75D (Commodity Option) as Category - Future Option, Exercise Type as American, Settlement (under Class tab) as Cash Settlement and Settlement Method (under Margin Tab) - Normal Style.
Now I created Future ID in TCode FWZZ, with product type 75D and entered structure as "Put", entered strike price as Rs.1000, underlying future contract as FUT_COMMO1 (which is already created as Future in FWZZ in earlier month).
Now when I purchased this Commodity option (listed), I entered selected product type 75D, transaction type - 400, flow type 1500. I entered other details like portfolio, trader, units as 100 and price (Un.Quot) as Rs.1000 (i.e. strike price) and saved it.
Now I want to exercise this option. I tried clicking on "Exercise" in FTR_EDIT. But it gave error "Transaction cannot be processed using this function. However, you can to processing screen for this transaction.
So I thought of posting this "exercise of option" with product type 75D, Transaction Type: 500 (Close), flow type 1510 (sale). I entered units as 100 and price as Rs. 900. I saved the transaction.
But when I checked, TPM8 as "cash flow", it showed me outgoing margin.
However, my requirement is that, it should show as incoming margin, since I have gained on exercising this option. Please let me know how can I achieve it.