We had CFM 2.0 and R/3 4.6c till sometime last year - on different physical boxes. Then we upgraded - on both boxes - to ECC 6 EhP 4. For reasons that were unavoidable at that time, we chose to retain the two-box architecture, and upgraded those boxes to the new version. Of course, we did all the proper migration steps in the CFM box to achieve the end-result ECC version (OSS notes 805406, 830077, etc.), and everything went fine. We've had master and transaction data created on both systems since the upgrade - without any problems.
Now, we've finally been able to convince the business owners to consider merging the two boxes (decommission the Treasury dedicated box, and move the functionality to the primary ECC box).
And that leads me to my questions:
- has anyone experienced and successfully managed such a scenario? If yes, some tips would be really appreciated.
- even if you haven't done this yourself, could you give some pointers as to how to begin such a migration / merging activity?
- how does one even begin to manage the touch-points with the BW system (7.0 SP18) which today has feeds from both the systems?
Not to make it too easy (I know..!), we would like to migrate not just all open instruments, but be able to selectively migrate closed instruments as well - with complete posting history (as applicable), to retain reporting, etc. from the new merged system. Further, for open instruments, we'd naturally like to retain payment / repayment history, etc. so as to give data to derive yield, etc. after migration.
In short, then, what I guess we are looking for is a least-disruptive way to decommission our (erstwhile CFM 2.0, now ECC 604) box and move all our treasury master & transaction data to an already functional ECC 604 box (with fully working regular other modules - FI, CO, SD, PS, etc.)
Oh, and just so you know - we don't have the New GL active - as yet. So no document splitting, no segment level reporting, no ledgers, etc.
Responses would be highly appreciated. If there's any information I can provide to further help responses, I'd be more than glad to provide the same; just let me know.