Hello Experts,
I posted one open purchase commodity forwards with product type 80C (product type 100 and transaction type ) in FTR_CREATE. I also maintained OTC price data and spot quotation data in commodity master. I also maintained Commodity forward market data. Please refer screenshot for the same.
After that, I ran TPM1 (key date valuation) . But system gave me error: No Book Value exist for the position as on 20.05.2013.
When i check TIS1 (position overview), in that also, quantity and value for the commodity forwards are zero.
In SPRO --> Financial Supply Chain Management --> Treasury and Risk Management --> Transaction Manager --> General Settings --> Accounting --> Settings for Position Management --> Set the Effects of the Update Types on the Position Components. In this setting, position change category for flow type DE1000 (assigned to product type 80C and transaction type 100) is 1011 (Post purchase value).
Inspite of this setting, its not posting book value.
Please help what could be the reason for this error. Inspite these settings, system giving error.