TRM -Credit Risk Analyser
Re: TRM -Credit Risk Analyser
APFO analysis - stands for the activation of the Analysis (RM) financial object component.
LMFO default risk limit - stands for the activation of the Default risk limit financial object component.
STFO results analysis - is used only in the SEM Banking module.
Putting ANALYSIS in the field FO Component you active Analysis (RM) button in FO object (tr. JBDO) and activate additional tabs in transaction (tr. FTR_EDIT)
The attributes you can assign to a financial object in Analysis (RM) control access and the processing of this financial object in the Market Risk Analyzer, Portfolio Analyzer, and Accounting Analyzer.
Message no. GU444
Hello All,
I need help for the below mention error, While trying execute TBB1 i'm getting below error.
No information was found
Message no. GU444
The system could not find the necessary information.
I'm not pretty sure why this error is appearing
payment due date for my deal is 14.07.2014 but not able to make the payment. Could you please suggest whether i missed some customization.
Re: Message no. GU444
Hi Jain,
first, I would verify what is a status of the respective flows (Update types) to be posted - are they still in the status 'S', meaning scheduled (not posted yet)? - you can use a standart report TPM13 for this purpose.
also, you could check your Customising settings if:
- the respective Flows types are relevant for posting: IMG -> ... -> TRM -> Transaction Manager -> Money Market/ Foreign Exchange/ etc. -> Transaction Management -> Flow Types -> Define Flow Types;
- the respective Update types are relevant for posting: IMG -> ... -> TRM -> Transaction Manager -> General Settings -> Accounting -> Link to Other Accounting Components -> Indicate Update Types as Relevant to Posting.
if the settings mentioned above are fine, then please have a look at SAP note 1094630.
hope this will help you.
Kind regards,
Re: Message no. GU444
Dear Renatas,
First of sincere thanks for taking out time and looking into my issue.
I have checked these setting before posting my issue, How ever I've not checked SAP Note share by you, I'll check the same with my Abaper to implement.
Will keep you posted for future progress.
Again, Thanks for your help.
Re: Message no. GU444
Re: Message no. GU444
Hello Renatas,
I have implemented the note suggested by you but still no luck, i'm yet getting same error.
Any other suggestion,
Re: Message no. GU444
Hello All,
Can any one help me in this issue.
Re: Message no. GU444
Hello, Jain.
Have you check tr. TRLCCHK ? This transaction check you configuration and it might help you.
As concerns error GU444 - there are a few issues about this error and all concern ledgers and ledgers group. So check these transactions. if they configuraed correctly? By the way, do you have parrallel accounting in TRM?
1. SM30 -> TRGV_TAC_VA - check if everythig is okey here, if accounting principles are assigned to all you valuation areas.
2. SM30 -> V_TACC_PRINCIPLE - check if all accounting principles do exist.
3. SM30 -> V_FAGL_TRGT_LDGR - Check ledger groups if they assigned to accounting principle
4. SM34 -> VC_FAGL_LDGRPMAP - Check what's inside the ledger group.
5. SM30 -> V_FAGL_T881 - check if all needed ledgers are defined. One of the ledger must be leading.
6. SM30 -> V_FAGL_T882G - if you have parallel accounting - you have to define non-leading ledgers.
Check this note:
I would like to know, how transaction S_ALR_87008537 is informed.
Hi Sap Gurus,
I notice, that when I have not fixed the interest rate by transaction TI10, the financial transaction take the data from transaction S_ALR_87008537, but I don't know how this transaction is informed. It's I want to know.
I supposed that it is informed from the financial transaction when I create a new interest contidition, nevertheless if I try it I cannot manage to change the data in transaction S_ALR_87008537. I know that I can changed directly from transaction S_ALR_87008537, but what I like to know is how this transaction is informed if I don't change it manually.
Thanks in advance
How I can do to set payment on behalf for TRM financial transactions, paying through F111
Dear colleagues,
I would like to pay by payment on behalf in TRM transactions, which the payment order payed by transaction F111.
In TRM I do not work with vendors and clients, I work with company code and BP and I do not know how to do it.
I already have changed the customizing banks through FBZP.
Could you help me please?
Re: I would like to know, how transaction S_ALR_87008537 is informed.
the transaction S_ALR_87008537 could be used to define reference interest rates.
now, there are different options available how to update these reference interest rates into transaction - this is under IMG -> ... -> TRM -> Transaction Manager -> General settings -> Organization -> Define Company Code Additional Data -> see a field 'Planned record update' in the area 'Settings for variable interest rates' (see a screenshot below).
despite the fact, that reference rates in a transaction could be updated automatically as in your setup, you still need to fix these via TI10 (by manual entry) or
(update from the reference interest rate table) in order to able to post respective interest flows.
Kind regards,
Re: How I can do to set payment on behalf for TRM financial transactions, paying through F111
according to your explanation, I would assume you mean the Central External payment scenario.
therefore you need to define a Clearing partner and also make sure that in your House bank details your In-House bank accounts are specified.
Kind regards,
Re: I would like to know, how transaction S_ALR_87008537 is informed.
Hi Renatas,
Your answer is really intesting for me, thanks a lot and also for you quick answer time.
However in stead now I have more information, I continue without knowing where I have to informe the interest rate to make changes in transaction S_ALR_87008537.
I have this situation in my system (showing in the image below):
Thanks in advance
Kind regards
Re: How I can do to set payment on behalf for TRM financial transactions, paying through F111
There is a concept of paying company code in FBZP wherein invoice of one company code can be paid by other company code.
while running F111 you need to mention paying company code who is actually making the payment.
Mark Interest Accrual for MM Instruments as Posted at go-live
Folks I have a simple situation wherein I want to mark legacy Interest Accruals as Posted, the way TBB1_LC works.
If I run TPM44 with no immediate posting, it does the trick but then sets the status as To Be Fixed, I tried using TPM18 to see if later on such flows could get fixed by mistake, and SAP did not fix any flows which is what I want.
Question is whether TPM44 with no immediate posting should work same as TBB1_LC for my scenario ?
Much Appreciated.
Re: Mark Interest Accrual for MM Instruments as Posted at go-live
Hi Rahul,
I would say that it does not make sense to fix accruals of interest before key migration date, as usually you are resetting these on the next business day, so it means that in a common scenario TPM44 is not part of legacy data migration activities.
to answer your question - if you run TPM44 with no immediate posting, then no acctual postings will be recorded in your books, these Update types get status 'ToF - to be fixed' - then the flows have to be posted later using corresponding transaction TPM10.
on the other hand, TBB1_LC is applicable for the migration scenarios, when you need to mark certain flows of transactions as posted (in SAP TRM subleger) without actually generating financial documents.
hope this will help you.
Kind regards,
Re: Market data upload using transaction TBEX
Hi Melanie,
there is probably no error in application coding, but now there are more fields in the upload table, so "Status" field is shifted to the right and is not shown in Excel.
I suppose you are using document a template from web depository called TR_DATAFEED_EXCEL.XLS. This depository is for the time being not supported in release EhP7. Please try with TR_DATAFEED_EXCEL_LOF.XLS instead.
I have attached an example template document where you can see new fields.
Best regards,
Re: Forex Gain/loss posting from prior interest Accruals in capitaliization scenario !!
Different Compounding Frequency and Capitalization Frequency for SAP MM Instruments?
For Intercompany loans with Interest Capitalization Scenarios, I have some loan instruments with Monthly interest compounding and annual Capitalization frequency? How can you achieve that in SAP Transaction Management ?
By default, things are straight forward only when both match?
Any help will be greatly appreciated ?
Renatas, I don't know you but I have a strong appreciation for your competence.