Channel: SCN: Message List - SAP ERP Financials - Treasury Applications
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Hi Marcelo

Please send me the settings in detail, i have all settings as above but still FWSO would not work, stll get "No flows exist to be processed"



Payoff Product Type 55A interest rate instrument structure




I´m using product type 55A Interest Rate Instrument and I have two questions:


1. Could you confirm me if is possible register a capital payoff no planning in this kind of product type? Which transaction could I used?


2.Is possible to used a partial disbursement? For example,

I get a loan for 3,000.00, at the beginning  the first day I disbursement only 1,000.00 and  2 months later I disbursement 2,000.00. Then the loan calculate at the begining interest in base of  the 1,000.00 and  2 months later calculate interest in base of 3,000.00.


Please help me.




Best regards,


Adriana Rivera

Re: Payoff Product Type 55A interest rate instrument structure



2.Is possible to used a partial disbursement? For example,

I get a loan for 3,000.00, at the beginning  the first day I disbursement only 1,000.00 and  2 months later I disbursement 2,000.00. Then the loan calculate at the begining interest in base of  the 1,000.00 and  2 months later calculate interest in base of 3,000.00.


1. You can use product type 56A as credit line and product type 55A as disbursment. You can link two product types with "Facility" field on "Administration" tab. Negative side of this method: you have several transactions. Interests are calculated for each 55A prod. type.



2. You can use product type 55A alone and "Other changes in capital structure" button. You can take several amount of money at any time. Negative side of this method - you are not able to show these 3,000.00 on "Structure" tab. But you can use "User exit X" tab where you can create field for this purpose. Positive side - interests are calculated as you wanted in your post above!!!


Re: Payoff Product Type 55A interest rate instrument structure


1. Could you confirm me if is possible register a capital payoff no planning in this kind of product type? Which transaction could I used?


If i understand you right, you want to create early repayment?? am i right?


Use "Other changes in capital structure" button and "Decrease" flow type.



sap treasury profit center integration




My company number of branches and each branch treated as a profit center in sap


In SAP, head office also a profit center, I want to integrate Profit Centre into treasury.


Please guide me how to integrate


with regards


Re: sap treasury profit center integration


Hello, Krishna.


Here: Financial Supply Chain Management -> Treasury and Risk Management -> Transaction Manager -> General Settings -> Accounting -> Link to Other Accounting Components -> Allocate Additional Account Assignments to Account Assignment References (tr. SM30 -> TRACV_ADDACCDATA)

you can only add Cost center and Business area. There is no any Profit centers in TRM.


1. If you want to make postings with Profit center:

a. Create Cost center.

b. Enter Profit center in Cost center.

c. Add Cost center in  SM30 -> TRACV_ADDACCDATA

d. Make a postings to P&L account and find cost center and profit center in document.


2. If you want to show profit center inside a deal/transaction - use custom tab Custom Screen in Transaction Manager, Facility

And if you want to make posting with Profit center from your deal/transaction, but without configuration in SM30 -> TRACV_ADDACCDATA - use badi TPM_ACCIF_TRAC, method ACCIT_EXIT

Re: Payoff Product Type 55A interest rate instrument structure




1)I'm not clear about first requirement, Could you please elaborate the same?


2) Please use product type 55A, As shown below you shall use capital structure change option for your requirement, Please make necessary customization for the same.




Hope this help.




Re: Payoff Product Type 55A interest rate instrument structure

Re: Payoff Product Type 55A interest rate instrument structure

Re: sap treasury profit center integration


Hi Grigoriy Babitskiy,


How yo test above functionality. which transaction codes to be used for testing.


Please help me


with regards,



How to update forex rates in OB08


Hello friends

                    How to update spot forex rates?


Current spot rate is not available; update the market data

Message no. T7216




Re: How to update forex rates in OB08


Dear Swami,


It seems you are missing setting in T.code OB08.


First of all, Please check below settings

And check exchange rate type setting in system for your company code

Customization settings

IMG-Treasury and Risk Management- Transaction manager-General Settings- Organization- Define company code additional data


Check the setting you made in system


IMG-Treasury and Risk Management- Transaction manager- Foreign Exchange- Transaction Management- Transaction type – Assign forex attributes


Now, Say for example I have made M as exchange rate in system, I have to go to T.code OB08 and define the same.

I have created deal to buy USD and sale currency is INR, this case I’ll go OB08 and make

And define as below

M         30.08.2014                   X          1          USD     =          65,00000           X          1    INR


Hope this will be helpful

sap treasury - consumption sequence procedure




My question is related to Assign Consumption Sequence Procedure



Product Type - 01A Shares investment



Company invested in listed company shares


for example, in a month company acquires TATA Motors Shares



100 shares @  INR 500


200 shares @ INR 510


300 Shares @ INR 520


400 Shares @ INR 525


Here, the question is The highest price shares sold first



How to configure this?

Re: sap treasury - consumption sequence procedure


Dear Krishna,


Please follow complete below configuration.


  • Define condition type
  • Define condition type group
  • Assign condition type to condition type groups
  • Define product type
  • Assignment repayment type to product type
  • Define company code settings for product type
  • Define General Classifications for securities
  • Define security account categories
  • Define flow type
  • Assign flow type to transaction type
  • Define update type and assign usage
  • Assign flow type to update type
  • Assign general valuation class
  • Assign update to security account management

Create securities class:T.code  FWZZ

Then create deal(T.code FTR_CREATE- With Transaction type 100) say for example:  100 Shares @ 500

          create deal(FTR_CREATE-With Transaction type 100) say for example:  200 Shares @ 510




Settle deal(T.code -FTR_EDIT)

Posting :T.code TBB1

Payment: T.code- F111


Highest price share sold first

Create deal with FTR_CREATE-With Transaction type 200(Sale) say for example

200 share at 510.



Settle deal(T.code -FTR_EDIT)

Posting :T.code TBB1

Payment: T.code- F111


This process will be followed for all the deals you created.




Bond Purchase Amortization issue - DBT_B004 -Security Price loss


Hi All,



I am bit confused why DBT_B004 update type is generating for bond purchase for LAC Gross Amortomization procedure.


1. purchase with discount

Bond Purchase.PNG


FWZZ -Basic Data.PNG

Bond Purchase-Condition.PNG


3.TPM13 -Sub ledger



Can anyone advise why DBT_B004 is generating in this scenario.

Re: Bond Purchase Amortization issue - DBT_B004 -Security Price loss


HI Jain,


I am aware of DBT* configuration for update types. My question was for

my given scenario why DBT_B004 was generated with 400000000 EUR, If my bond purchase value it

self is 200000000 in two puchase transactions. please advise due to which reasons this

DBT flow generated for bond transactions.

sap treasury - 01A shares




If i want to configure additional product type relevant to 01A.  What are the configuration steps


I think


Product Type creation  and assigned to the Company code are required. In addition to the any steps, please suggest me



with regards


Re: SAP Treasury - Loan on Fixed Deposit Investment


Hi, In the money market the Syndicate Facility tab is available. What is the purpose.


Please explain



with regards


Re: SAP Treasury - Loan on Fixed Deposit Investment


Dear Raju,


let me explain  Facility first.: A facility define credit line as the framework conditions for a sequence of credit exposures or drawing, Its is entered as separate financial transaction within transaction managements or in simple term A facility is an agreement by a lender and one or more borrowers on the general term(credit line) for series of drawings against  credit.


Facility can also divided into Bilateral and Syndicated

Bilateral: Its has borrower and lender

Syndicated Facility:  have a borrower and several lenders each with their own credit lines.

Hope this explain your query.




Re: sap treasury - 01A shares


Dear Raju,


You  have do complete below set of customization in case you created new product type in system.


Treasury and Risk Management- Transaction Manager- Securities- Transaction Management

  • Define Transaction Types
  • Define Flow Types(use standard one)
  • Assign Flow Types to Transaction Type
  • Assign Flow Types to Update Types
  • Assign General Valuation Class

In Accounting

  • Account Assignment References
  • Position Management procedure & position indicator generation
  • Account Determination - Update type assign to posting specs assigned to account symbols which are assigned to G/L accounts and can be differentiated with Account assignment references.


Hope this answer your query.




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