Check steps in below and compare your system config, i did these and it worked for me
Customer master creation from Business partner
Check steps in below and compare your system config, i did these and it worked for me
Customer master creation from Business partner
You have customised SE3003 as what ? brokerage or commission.
Also if this is a warning messgae system should allow to post, are yo ugetting any error while doeing the final run.
Please share sceenshots to understand better.
Hello Jyoti,
thank you for reply!
I've got processing category for my transaction category = '00002 With Settlement'.
So then I reverse the transaction activity is changed from '2 Contract Settlement' to '1 Contract'
What do you mean 'setting for activity reverse to settle. Generally we define activty 10 to 20' ??
Where can I customize ??
Hi Jyothi,
thank you very much sending the overview documents , read this document i have some idea is came if any configuration document available please send my mail id.
Thanks & Regards,
Hi Friends,
Kindly provide solution to my query.
Dear Jyoti,
I have already verified this setting based on your document before posting error in Forum.
Could you please suggest any other possible way.
Hi Seema Kutal,
If you don't want generation of limit for unused characteristic then remove from generated characteristics it will not generate limits. However if you want remove from analysis structure
then you have only option is recreate new analysis structure.
Naresh Garla
Hello Jain,
I've checked notes you specified (and all others related to NDF) but there is nothing like my situation
Hello Utkin,
As suggested before, the logic to determine the value for cash settlement is based on category in system. In your requirement, You are not using settlement as cash settlement in customization for product, hence system is not able to determine amount for flow.
Please raise a SAP Notes for this, Let SAP look into your issue.
As for the reason of such behaviour is some SAP issue.
When I create NDF transaction I've got 'Fixing and cash settlement' area on the 'Structure' page.
But when I execute 'Fixing' this area disappears and I cannot specify fixing rate and forward rate separately. So without this rate difference system cannot calculate cash settlement amount. That is why flow 1031 is empty.
It seems that it's real SAP program error
I have the following business requirement regarding the accounting treatment of the valuation of a foreign exchange forward deal :
1. during the lifetime of the deal
step1. valuation
the deal should valued at its NPV using the swap points curve (table AT15) => that gives the "VALUE"
step 2. the posting of the deal's value should be SPLIT into TWO components
a) component 1 = linearly amortized swap points since deal date +2 until valuation date => to be classified to interest result
b) component 2 = VALUE - component 1 => to be classified to unrealized fx result
So, in fact it is some hybrid combination of the two SAP standard valuation methods
a) spot/spot + swap accrual + swap valuation (but NO NPV calculation)
b) NPV calculation (without any split in components)
2. at maturity
realized fx result : calculation based on deal spot rate versus spot rate at maturity
interest result : calculation based on deal spot rate vs deal forward rate
Don't see how this "mixted behavior" can be achieved by customizing the valuation process.
Please help.
Best regards,
We have a scenario in SAP Treasury Fixed Deposit Investment 51A
Product Type 51A Product Group 510
Scenario: 1
In case of FDs with periodic interest payouts, where banks have already paid the investor interest as per the committed rates, banks calculate the applicable penalty at the time of redemption, and reduce the final payout by the bank
How to handle in sap treasury?
Most of the banks charge premature withdrawal penalty
How to configure this?
Please provide solutions.
with regards
Hi Carl,
In order to use the 2step valuation during the lifetime of forex contracts, you need to combine 2 valuation steps in your Position Management Procedure:
1. step 6 Rate valuation for forward exchange transactions: spot-spot
2. step 4 Security valuation
Additonally, if the NPV should be calculated based on swap points from AT15, you need to apply BAdI JBA_SFGDT that is able to adjust TPM60 or/and reports in MRA if needed. See SAP note 0000940562 for details (and also 1941874 for extrapolation issues).
As far as i know, at maturity you can only have 1flow of gain/loss by using standard SAP Solution.
Best regards,
Dear Raju,
I have created a deal for Fixed deposit for 10M Euro with the rate of interest 10%.
Contract date: 01.01.2014
Amount: 10 Million
Rate of interest : 10%
End of deal : 31.12.2014
As you said deal get close premature, Hence i premature settle deal on 31Oct.
Please use other tab of deal and standard Flow type 1901 for charges.
To change the final repayment amount please go to cash flow right click. and edit flow
Please change the final repayment amount, as like below example
Then save the deal, Go to FTR_Edit and Premature settle the deal.
Hope this resolve your issue.
thanks for your reply Mr. Jain
Interest Rates for Premature withdrawal of FDs = Interest Rate applicable for actual period of FD as per the rates prevalent at the time of investment - 1 per cent
I want to configure the above formula when premature settlement happens.
with regards,
Hello Krishna,
You just have to assign make the customization.
Assign Flow Types(1901) to Transaction Type in your example, assign it to product type 51A.
Every time you should assign flow type 1901 in other flow tab and amount manually. when ever the premature settlement arise.
I'm not sure whether we have any functionality to automatic update the bank charges in case of premature settlement. I would suggest you to use this function manually to have better control.
However, You can look for an option for derived flow, Please note you will not have control as we have in manually.
All the best.
Thanks for your reply.
I have another doubt
Banks offer different kinds of fixed deposits with names.
My requirement is, In the report i need particular bank name and particular bank fixed deposit scheme name and transaction details.
How to achieve this?
with regards
Dear Raju,
I would appreciate if you create new thread for this requirement.
I hope i already answer your first question.
Banks offer different kinds of fixed deposits with names.
My requirement is, In the report i need particular bank name and particular bank fixed deposit scheme name and transaction details.
How to achieve this?
My another doubt is:
Please clarify me where to identify the payment process?
Example: i want to identify Payment process in treasury where contract creation and settlement
with regards
When i running TBB1, the following error is appeared
Profit center 1000/9010 does not exist for 01.01.2013
Check your entry.
Note: The profit center is usually derived from the original account assignment object (cost center, order, and so on) or other information (such as the material number).
If necessary, create the desired profit center for the appropriate time frame.
with regards