Hi Marie,
of course didn't check this, everything perfect now...
Best regards and a nice WE! Sebastian
Hi Marie,
of course didn't check this, everything perfect now...
Best regards and a nice WE! Sebastian
You can refer to the below thread on XI/PI feature and its benefits.
I partially agree regarding this topic.
If I check the FNZA "driving table" I find out that is the T033F, the common table used for posting rules of bank statements, interests, treasury deposit ...etc...and of course also Loans...I can maintain easily the table due to the fact that there´s no way to do it directly in FNZA where only posting key and account symbols are available.
Furthermore the main LOAN table VDEPPcontain the UMSKZ so I assume there should be the way to post via customer Special G/L indicator.
Do you have any hint regarding this last topic?
Thanks for any guidance you could provide me.
Best regards
as you said that's a kind of cross component table.
Other applications may use UMSKS, but CML does not, sorry ...
Kind regards,
ok. Thanks
as written in Intercompany Loans: Disbursement on a G/L level - Interest invoicing on A/R level
Lons doesn not support special G/L indicators at all .
If the fields are there, it is for historical reasons.
Kind regards,
Hi All,
I created a new condition type which is working fine with some user created program (Z program) but when I am trying to run the report by FNVS I am getting all the values but when I am going to print the report its not showing Term, Interest rate and payment plan (every value is showing zero).
Please help.
Thank you Marie,
Abaper helped me checking the error . he found that Step A21 try to insert another gl account (0000113117) with AAREF (00000003) into an internal table which it already have the Gl account (0000113113) with AA_REF 00000003 with information below . so that program thrown an error.
AA_REF 00000003
GL_ACCOUNT 0000113113
I resolved this issue by steps reverse. and try to remove the Accounting code that use chart of account int from the conversions. and re -run all steps again.
may I kindly ask, if you could also provide me your document regarding the set-up of L/C's within the TRM?
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Hi Ashok,
the question to me what are exact conditions of this bond:
If these are according to description of the Scenario A, then should be not an issue to map over Product category '42 - Bonds with installment repayment'.
Otherwise, if this is Scenario B, I'm not sure if you can map it over standard instruments other than Cash flow transaction (Product category '540 - Cash flow transaction') - this could be a work-around with certain limitations of course.
Kind regards,
Hi Marie,
again my fault: I missed out the interest adjustment for the variable side. Therefore the field vtbfhapo-ssprgd was set to 7 (blocked for postings). After interest rate adjustment everything works. Hope that's all now for this request and thanks again for your help!
Regards, Sebastian
Thanks for your detailed reply.
Yes. It is Scenario B.
As you rightly suggested, I thought of going for 54A, but, the issue is with interest calculations. The system does not calculate the interest automatically because we need to enter 3 installment amounts with 3 different interest rates. If the interest calculation is only with one base amount and with a single rate of interest, as you know, we can enter at calculation base.
While working on other workarounds, I thought of using 04X product type in securities. I thought of creating multiple IDs at FWZZ and create the respective trades at FTR_CREATE. But, the problem is on postings. When we run TBB1 or FWSO, it creates individual posting lines for each trade. But, the users want a single posting for all the 3 trades. I am not sure how to do this. Do you think the netting is going to work for both bond proceed receipts and bond payments?
Thank you onceagain for taking time to help me on this.
Thanks and Regards
Would anyone know for what reason the securities portfolio isn't showing up in the currency risk report FTR_dealpos (even when flagged in the selection screen)? Note that I am not using any valuation settings.
Thank you very much,
Dear Guys,
We have pasive loans with account receivable, now we recently activate the parallel valuation area for loans. When we post the disbursement the log in CML do not show any error message, but in the parallel area (TRM) show the following message:
Message no. F5670
No account was specified for account type "D" in item "0000000002" of the FI/CO document.
The Financial Accounting program cannot process the document.
A system error has probably occurred in the application you called up. Check the data transferred to item "0000000002" of the FI/CO document.
We post the following position with the configuration in CML
Flow Type Amount Posting Key Account Posting Key Account
1001 P_Disbursement 850,000,000 USD 40 G/L Account 15 +
I hope you can help me please.
Thanks a lot.
Ivan Menacho
Assign Sub Ledger in parrallel valuation area in Account Determination Node.
As per Error shown by you, system is not getting sub ledger (Customer Account).
Narinder Pal Verma
Check Securities Start date and Report Display as of date. Some time due this also report does not shows data.
Narinder Pal Verma
Hi Narinder,
Thanks a lot for response,
Where can i assing the subledger in parallel valuation area? Can you give me please the route in the SPRO.
Thanks a lot again, and kind regards.
Ivan Menacho
Firstly Make Update Type CML1001 relevant of Sub Ledger Posting by checking tick box of payment transaction in Secion "Update Type Assignation to Posting Spec" Under Node "Define Account Determination" of " Link to other Accounting Component" Node and In Contract in payment detail Tab select Posting to Customer under control data
Hi Narinder,
I have already make the configuracion of the update type CML1001 with the tick box payment transaction mark.
The tab payment details where can I find in loans?. Because the loan are created by transaction FN1V in CML.
Thanks a lot and kind regards,
Ivan Menacho