Hi Renatas.
Not. Only there is one condition type '1130 - Installment'.
Best Regards.
Jandoval Nascimento.
Hi Renatas.
Not. Only there is one condition type '1130 - Installment'.
Best Regards.
Jandoval Nascimento.
Hi Jandoval,
strange - I've simulated a similar situation as you described above in a test system - creating a fixed term depo with installment repayment stream - even you if change nominal amount via changes in capital amount, these installments remain the stable - only final repayment amount is adjusted (as the nominal position after final repayment should be 0).
as the last chance you can also raise OSS note to SAP - in case you don't receive valuable solutions over SDN.
Kind regards,
Hi Renatas.
May send me the screen shots of your simulation? I'd like compare with mine.
Best Regards.
Jandoval Nascimento.
Please find the list of Tables in Treasury with Description
All above the data you have asked above can be obtained from VTBFHAPO table. This is the master table for all Treasury Transactions.
VTBFHA | Transaction |
VTBFHAZU | Transaction Activity |
VTBFHAPO | Transaction Flow |
VTBFHAPO_UNFIXED | Non-Fixed Financial Transaction Flows |
VTBFINKO | Transaction Condition |
VTBAFINKO | Alternative Conditions |
VTBKORES | Correspondence Data |
VTIFHA | Underlying transaction |
VTIFHAZU | Underlying transaction status table |
VTIFHAPO | Underlying transaction flows |
VTIFINKO | Underlying transaction conditions |
VTIAFINKO | Alternative Conditions Underlying |
TRIAT | Treasury: Int.Rate Adjust. - Registration and Int.Rate Adj. |
REFON | References between object numbers (CO object no.) |
TRDT_TRDBUSTRANS | Treasury: Persistent distributor business transaction |
TRDT_FLOW | Persistent distributor flows |
PAYRQ | Payment Requests |
BKPF | Accounting Document Header |
BSEG | Accounting Document Segment |
FDT1 | CMF Line Items for Forex, Money Market, Derivatives |
TZPA | Product type |
ATRAS | Treasury Rates Table Treasury - Treasury |
AT15 | Foreign exchange swap rates Treasury - Treasury |
BPISIS | BP: Assign Treasury Partner to IS-IS-Partner Cross Application - Business Partner Enhancements for Financial Services |
BP002 | Treasury attributes natural person Cross Application - Business Partner Enhancements for Financial Services |
BPTRGP_WORK | BP: Assign Treasury Partner to IS-IS-Partner Financials - Business Partner |
AT16B | Treasury: Settings for mirror transaction types Financials - Transaction Manager |
BCKTRACT_ACCITEM | Treasury: Accounting Items Financials - Transfer to Financial Accounting |
VWBEKI | Treasury Securities: Actual Flows - Header Financials - Transaction Manager |
TWD01 | Treasury: Securities Account Master Data Financials - Transaction Manager |
AT15B | Treasury: Forex Swap Rates (New) Financials - Transaction Manager |
AT16 | Treasury: Fixing Settings for Forex Transactions Financials - Transaction Manager |
TRACT_DOCUMENT | Treasury: Accounting Adaptor Document Financials - Transfer to Financial Accounting |
BCKTRLT_FLOW | Treasury Ledger Flows Financials - Transfer to Financial Accounting |
AT18 | Treasury: Valid Formulas Financials - Transaction Manager |
ADJT_TRANSACTION | Treasury: Reconciliation business transactions Financials - Transfer to Financial Accounting |
TRAC_DFTRULE1 | Treasury: Assignment of Update Type to Posting Specs Financials - Transfer to Financial Accounting |
ATPA | Treasury: Product Type Supplements Financials - Transaction Manager |
TRLT_TRANSACTION | Treasury Ledger Business Transactions Financials - Transfer to Financial Accounting |
FMTC_SCHNO | Treasury Confirmation Schedule No status PSM - Funds Management |
BCKTLVT_VAL_FLOW | Backup: Treasury: Valuation Flow Financials - Transfer to Financial Accounting |
Thanks Boss, I changed the processing category to 00002 With Settlement and it is now available.
Thanks A lot
Hi all,
I am trying to bring data from TRM to Cash Position report (FF7A). Now, I am using transactions FDFD and OT48 to put everything together. I am working in quality environment and this client is already using SAP and TR-CM. So, my question is how to bring TRM historic data to the report. I have already tried "Transfer data from Treasury" in Data Structure (FDFD); or "Data Reconciliation" or "Data Correction".
The truth is that when running "transfer data from treasury", when I was asked "delete data permanently?" I answered "yes" because I assumed the data was going to be reconstructed and reorganized. After this, tables FDES, FDSB, FDSR are empty for this company code. I realized I have deleted all memos and then planning level "F0". If I go to table BSEG, I can see all the entries with "F0". BUT in Treasury I don´t see anything.
I also executed separately RFFUEB00 but nothing..
Is there anything I am missing I could still do? I would like to bring historic data and if possible, to have the chance of regenerating the tables with memo and bank accounts balances into the report together again.
I much appreciate your help.
If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi Anil Kumar,
Thanks you so much for immediate reply, if i need anything else on this I will ask you.
Thanks & Regards,
Alternatively you can use below steps to find out the tables getting effected by particular transaction.
In case you wan to read the data from a particular deal, then please try through Functional Module.
SE37--> DealData_Read--> Input : Co.Code and Deal No. -->
You will find all the tables impacted through this deal and pick directly from there.
Cheers !
dear all,
i need to create many house banks.
I don't know any standard programs, so i create a LSMW that simulate transaction FI12.
LSMW generates a batch input session, the execution of b.i. is ok but the bank has not been created. It seems that the problem is due to the fact that creation of house banks terminates with generation of a transport request.
Could you please help me to solve lsmw problem or tell me another method to create many house banks?
Anyone knows how to solve this?
Need more information?
Best regards
George Passini
Hi George,
>> I want to know if there is any way to link two exposures created by the Exposure Management (FTREX1) in to one Hedge Plan (THMEX).
try to verify this - 'FTREX12 - Overview of Exposure Positions' and then select an icon 'Transfer to Hedge Management' (see in the screenshot attached). the system should ask you to enter the Company code and hedge plan so that it can trigger the forwarding action.
Kind regards,
Hi Renatas,
I send the exposures to the Hedge Plan with FTREX12, the problem is after that.
Since it's two Exposures the Hedge Management will create two as well and I couldn't find any way to link them both.
Thanks for the help provided.
Best regards
George Passini
Have you assigned planning level to Product type in TRM->General Sittings->Link to cash management->Assign Planning levels and also check these Planning levels should be a part of Cash Management Structure.
After assigning, then run FDFD, wait till the completion of Job and then look into FF7A.
Narinder Pal Verma
Hi All,
I'm new to IHC and so wanted to check if there is any way I can turn off automatic IBAN populating while creating a current account of subsidiary in IHC? Also, it would be great if you can explain me the use of having IBAN in internal current accounts?
Did you figure out what they mean? I'm also working on IHC and in the same situation as you were once. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Hi Abhinav,
You can deactivate the IBAN from the Product which is assigned to your IHC accounts (BCAs).
In-House Cash uses SAP functionality which was originally designed for bank account management which means there is a lot of irrelevant functionality when using IHC to manage company subsidiaries and such like. Think of it like this, if you open a new bank account with Citibank/HSBC - they will generate a new account number and IBAN for your account, this is what the BCA IBAN is, but it isn't required for IHC.
Hope this helps,
Same problem, any solutione?
Dear Gurus,
We are posting installments in CML, and when we are going to verify the items in the FI module trought the transaction FBL3N the system show me double position. The system in which we are working doesn´t have activate the New GL functionality yet.
Im attaching 3 screenshoots, about the cash flow, the FI documento with one position on the account 5305200600, and the report FBL3N with two positions.
Thanks a lot and kind regards,
Ivan R. Menacho
Hi Christoph,
We are planning to use Correspondence Monitor. We are connected to SWIFT Network through our SWIFT Bureau.
We have configured the SAP Transaction Manager system to generate the MT300/MT320 message as soon as the transaction is created and the MT message is sent to the counter party.
How do we map the incoming counter confirmation (coming from the counter party) MT300/MT320 to the outgoing correspondence object and match the details and confirm the deal?
We have licence for the SWIFT Integration package and I am not sure how it will help in updating the status in correspondence monitor.
Appreciate your help.