Hello Robin,
concerning TJ04: the update types selected here come from IMG step
Definition of the Payment Relevance of an Update Type
(customizing table "TRGC_PAY_REL").
Best regards,
Hello Robin,
concerning TJ04: the update types selected here come from IMG step
Definition of the Payment Relevance of an Update Type
(customizing table "TRGC_PAY_REL").
Best regards,
Dear TRM experts.
Do you know if there is a Standard way to value and Currency Option using the Black-Scholes method?
Hope that someone could help me with the customizing.
Best regards
George Passini
Hi George.
Check this SAP Notes Below.
1879790 - Calculation of option price with interest rates having standard distribution
1549381 - Valuation of swaptions as int. options acc. to Black&Scholes
Kind Regards.
Hi Jandoval,
Thanks for the notes.
Do you know how to make the customizing?
Best regards
We are in planning to implement Lockbox functionality for auto cash application in our European company codes. I have few questions:
1)What file formats can SAP read other than BAI2 format.We are using standard SAP program RFEBLB00 (Transaction FLB2) to read a BAI2 file for our US company codes and they work fine.
2)Ours is Bank of America and they are unable to provide BAI2 format? Has anybody faced this kind of situation where Bank can't provide BAI2 format for Europe transactions? What are the alternatives?
Thanks in Advance.
Currently, only BAI and BAI2 file formats are supported by SAP. It includes
the following:
BAI Record Format: Specify the length of the document numbers (10 in
the standard SAP System) and the number of document numbers in record types 6
and 4 of the BAI file. Your bank must agree on this format information.
BAI2 Record Format: It is not necessary to specify the length of the
document or the number of document numbers in record types 6 and 4. This is
because BAI2 file is designed that each document number is on a different record
type 4 with its corresponding payment and deduction amounts. Your bank must
agree on this format information.
Batch Input Sessions [Posting Functions]: Specify which postings the
system creates (general ledger cash postings and/or customer cash
application). It is recommended that both choices are selected if you are using
the general ledger and accounts receivable modules. For the general ledger you
can decide whether to post one aggregate amount to the incoming cash account or
one line per check. This depends on your reconciliation with the bank. In
addition, you can choose to create and name a batch input session to insert any
missing or new customer bank details into the customer master records (this can
only be done if the system identifies a valid document number).
The payment information provided in the bank data file will create a payment
advice per check. This payment advice will be used by the lockbox procedure to
clear subledger open items. For more information on payment advices, please
read accounts receivable/accounts payable Payment Advice Notes in the IMG or
On-Line Help
we have bought USDINR call, sold USDINR call and sold USDINR put in one single deal for one single maturity and notional. We are not pay any premium.
Req to pls guide us as to which product type is to be used and how the recording should be done for this deal.
Vishal Patel
Hi Renatas:
Thanks for the quick answer. I was working through the issue.
PMP has the Amortization procedure assigned. In fact it is the step that generates the DBT_C002 or DBT_C004 on each "retap"
I went through every Amortization procedure assigning each one at a time to my PMP procedure. After that I run FWUP and saw every new cash flow via TPM13. The amount varied or new update types had appeared but I always got a DBT_C002 or DBT_C004 every time there is an issue placement (retap).
The Update Types for Derived Business Transactions not yet assigned appeared every time I run the FWUP, so I set them up, but it was not the reason of my issue.
I tried through “set the Effects of the Update Types on the Position Component”. As TType 300 Issue Placement has SE1200 and it goes to 1010 “Post Negative Purchase Value” I have created new 301 TType for “retaps” with SE1201 and assign 1000 “No Position Change” but it did not work either.
As said Client does not want to post the DBT_C002 Positive Amortization (for inflows) or negative ones, just want to calculate and post them under the amortization step at the valuation key dates (end of month) V301 or at redemption date.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Dear Experts,
I´m trying to config the withholding tax on interest per product type 33A General Loan Given. Do you know which is the correct flow type to use and how to config and link it in order to set the base amount related to the interest calculated amount?
In my design is always a quarterly calculation for Intercompany loans and, in special case, I need to apply the WHT to the calculated amount of the interest.
Interest invoice : Flow Type 0110 A_Interest debit pos. rec.
01 Customer Affiliate 1000
50 P&L Interest 1000
Interest invoice with 10% WHT
01 Customer Affiliate 900
40 WHT 10% 10
50 P&L Interest 1000
Thanks in advance for any helpful advice you could provide me.
Best regards
Hi Ristesh,
I have few questions regarding your scenario:
1) Do you want the unrealized Forex Loss posting to be done at the time of principal decrease.
2) Why you are using securities for interest rate instrument transaction (borrowing in your case), thats why system is calculating the negative purchase value.
I tried same scenario in my system and it worked fine. Please see:
Let us know your view on this.
Cheers !
You may refer to note 909005 and the relative notes described in this note.
Best regards, Feng
Hi Feng,
are you sure it will work also for SAP Banking Loans Management? I read the attached documentation of WHT for India and every call-out is related to TRM.
May you please confirm me which flow type of loans management is covering this sub-process?
Thanks and regards
Hi Paolo,
I thought you mean TRM. For CML, I'm afriad there is no such functionality, but maybe you can check BAdI FVD_LOAN_POST( sap note 1476622) for a workaround.
Best regards,
Hi Aditiya
Thanks for your reply.
My issue is like below.
I have taken a loan of 1,00,000 USD @50 on 01.05.2013. on 01.06.2013, Interest is accrured on this @10% which is 861.11 USD. Now on 30.08.2013, I want to pay an installment of 20000 USD @ 55. I want the system should calculate the realised Exchange Loss of Rs 1,00,000 (i.e. difference between loan amount 20000 USD @ 50 and installment paid amount 20000 USD@ 55) But the system was considering the interest accured amount as well and created the new Exchange Rate, due to which my loss amount was near 96000)
So I made the flow type for interest accrued as not relevant to position, But after that the system started calculating Security loss line.
If I made the installment payment line before the Interest accrued line (like on 30.05.2013), then the system calculates the required 1,00,000 amount difference as needed.
Kindly suggest for this.
we define commodity forward product type : 910, tranaction type: buy, under FTR_edit,
"CF flow type" tab, I find two flow type Y017(outgoing payment) posting relevant and Y010(buy forward) , CM, posting relevant
payment flow type tab: Y005, Y011
other flows tab: Y017
Does it mean CM means cash flow related? if this is the case, Y010 should be under "CF flow type": tab, but Y017 is not CM relevant, why it appear in "CF flow type" tab?
Y017 appear both in "CF flow type" tab and "other flows" tab, how is other flows in FTR_EDIT defined?
in SPRO, I have assigned Y003, Y005, Y006, Y011, Y017, Y010 to product type 910 and transaction type buy, why some is not listed in FTR_EDIT?
>> Does it mean CM means cash flow related?
A.: indeed, it means if a selected flow is to be transferred to Cash Management (known as the transaction FF7A) or not.
every Flow type is defined (see IMG -> ... TRM-> Transaction Manager -> MM/ FX/ Securities/ etc. -> Transaction Management -> Flow Types -> Define Flow Types) if it is relevant:
this definition depends on the nature of a chosen flow - see the description on Flow type in Transaction Manager Terminology - General Information about the Transaction Manager - SAP Library
>> but Y017 is not CM relevant, why it appear in "CF flow type" tab?
A.: I believe you mean the tab 'Cash Flow'. Certain flow types could be not relevant to Posting and Payment at all, though still visible in the tab 'Cash Flow', as their are part of deal structure, e.g. Nominal Amount Increase in case of Interest rate Swap - this is purely Notional amount, though it is used represent in the tab 'Cash Flow', as this is the base for calculation of interests.
>> in SPRO, I have assigned Y003, Y005, Y006, Y011, Y017, Y010 to product type 910 and transaction type buy, why some is not listed in FTR_EDIT?
A.: some of Flow types might be optional, e.g. the ones with Flow Category - '90 - Other Flow/ condition'. In this case you should capture these in the tab 'Other flows'.
General remark: I would assume, you are using instruments, provided by RDS initiative - please check provided documentation for the setup and meaning of these flows.
Kind regards,
Hi Claudio,
>> I went through every Amortization procedure assigning each one at a time to my PMP procedure. After that I run FWUP and saw every new cash flow via TPM13. The amount varied or new update types had appeared but I always got a DBT_C002 or DBT_C004 every time there is an issue placement (retap).
a short question - were you creating a totally new Class ID and new purchases after you were assigning different Amortization procedures to your PMP?
No it was always the same.
actually you need to create a new Class (Security) ID and Issues/ Purchases every time you want to see what is the behavior of different Amortization procedures, as there is no update once PMP is recorded in the deal. I know this requires a bit more efforts, though this is the way to do it.
try it yourself, otherwise I could try to check this most probably around the w/e on some IDES.