Channel: SCN: Message List - SAP ERP Financials - Treasury Applications
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tax rate for the flow type


the value at tax rate for product type 901 is changed from 10% to 8%, so the new deal will have tax flow type calculated based on 8% of sell value, in which place of SPRO should we change tax flow type to reflect the change?

how to deal with invalidated ticket


in correspondance monitor, we have below attached invalidated transaction, so what are the steps to correct these error? can we delete it? in action log, I can't find any error message

no confirmation in correspondance


we have one product type Z010, the requirement is when we create and release deal, no confirmation and counter confirmation will be generated in correspondance monitor, may I know how can we achieve this?

Re: Table IHC_DB_IHB_PARMS set up


Hi Chandra,


Thanks, I ready this IMG documentation.

The documentation is not clear on the section b) Posting accounts for a clearing partner.


is partner account referring to the Business partner field or the G/L Account field?

The documentation does not mention the business partner field.




Re: Posting on vendor reconciliation account in FS-CML

Re: Table IHC_DB_IHB_PARMS set up


Hi Godhelp,


Partner here does not mean business partner. Its payment request clearing account for the clearing partner and its GL account.


The clearing partner communicates with the external bank and has been created as a current account in the IHC Center. When you post the Payment order to provisionally, then system check on Routing that has been defined to determine the clearing partner. The IHC Center has been connected with the SAP FI of the clearing partner using the ALE Customizing. In the SAP FI system of the clearing partner, a credit note (for the subsidiary) and a debit note (for the clearing partner) will be carried out.

Kind Regards,

Chandra Sekhar Ija

Re: Posting on vendor reconciliation account in FS-CML

Re: Table IHC_DB_IHB_PARMS set up


Hi Chandra,


Thanks for the explanation.

I really appreciate.




Re: no confirmation in correspondance




Correspondence type is assigned for the product types in the business partner in the company code set up in the counter party role.


So please check if in the business partner in the counter party role in the company code section if the corresponding type is assinged to product type Z010.


Kind Regards,


Chandra Sekhar Ija

Re: tax rate for the flow type


Hi Siva,


If you have derived flows set up then you can do the change. I am not sure what kind of product but i will give example of Money market instrument.


Treasury and Risk Management - Transaction Manager - Money Market - Transaction Management - Flow Types - Derived Flows - Define Derivation Procedures and Rules


you can see all the derivation procedures and by selecting the derivation rule you can create new rule with new effective from date with the new rate.


Hope this is helpful.


Kind Regards,



Re: how to deal with invalidated ticket

Re: VaR calculation




You can use transaction code   RMV0 - VaR Individual Analysis


Kind Regards


Re: IHC - Incoming Bank Statement


Hi Taro,


I have gone through all the discussion between you and Kumar. It is really help full. I am also having similar doubts in my mind, some of them have been already answered through your replies to Kumar.


I am still have two questions in my mind.


1. In case of External Payment Scenario, when IHC0 is done,  CA of Subsidiary gets a Debit and Clearing Partner (CA of IHC FI) gets a debit. Now when we to F9N7, do we need send statements to both subsidiary and IHC FI or is it only to subsidiary. In SAP building blocks, there is no mentioning about the the statement to IHC FI.


If the answer to the above question is No, then, in case of Central Incoming payments scenario, when the statement is uploaded in IHC FI which in turn creates a PO in IHC, When posted the PO through IHC0, it generates a Credit to Subsidiary and Debit to Clearing Partner CA ( IHC FI).In this case, as per SAP building blocks, we will have to generate F9N7 bank statements for both Subsidiary and Clearing partner CA. Now the question is how to segregate the payment items created from external payments in the CA of clearing partner as they should not go in bank statement to IHC FI.May be, we will have to use a different CA for incoming clearing partner postings, Do you have any idea where do we set up this determination.


2. I am totally confused with the postings to GL's during GL transfer. I am not sure if we have to maintain both ' GL Assignment: Current Accounts' and 'Post Processing' or only one. Would it be possible for you to give some explanation on what would happen when a GL transfer is done taking one example of Internal payments and external payments separately.


  • Define GL Account Assignment: Current Accounts
  • Define GL Account Assignment/Items in Postprocessing
  • Define GL Account Assignment/Interest Accrual/Deferral




Re: tax rate for the flow type


my opinion is: this also can be done by BADI enhancement

posting log for source flow type/update type


we have run fix and post derived business transaction in last friday for transaction ID: 3309, this is FX transaction, and it is posted, but in the posting log, it only shows update type ZDB_0012 is posted with 2300 USD, how and where is it derived, it doesn't show, so how can I view the source flow type and derivation steps (instead of going to SPRO derivation or position management procedure, I prefered analyze it in front end transaction)



now if we go to posting journal list, we also can't find such info. any way to find out, is this update type ZDB_0012 assigned in position management procedure also? which tab?

Dispute Management


Dear All,


can anybody help me with some readables on Dispute Management Configuration ? I have been searching through the intnet for quite sometime but didn't find anything apart from basic definitions etc. Some help will be extremely appreciated.


best regds


Business partner


Hello experts


                 I am a treasury professional, I just started to learn SAP TRM. What is the difference between creating business partners by using transaction code BP and using IMG like OX15, EC01. If we create business partners by using easy access how to link those details to IMG. Can we create company code directly using BP or we need to use IMG?




Re: Business partner


Hi Swami,


Business Partner(BP) and company code(EC01) both are different concept.


Here Business Partner is natural or legal person with whom business relationships are maintained. Typical business partners are banks of your company, customers, vendors etc.


Create Business partner for TRM through T-code BP not with EC01 or OX15.




Re: Business partner


Hi Kalim


           Thank you for clarification. Can you amplify your answer a bit please.


  • I have created BP 'Metro logistics' as general business partner.
  • Then I chose counter party in BP role, but If I select company code and try to save system says "company code is not available in the system".

Can you help me to find the right solution to create company code.


Thanks & Regards


Re: Business partner


Hi Swami,


Please maintain basic data first with counter party then save the BP and go to company code data with counter party enter company code and save again.


Hope this should help.




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